
What Size Trailer for a Compact Tractor?

Kennadi Harris
compact tractor goldman equipment

Part of the convenience of having a compact tractor is it can be easily transported with the help of a trailer. Whether you are bringing your tractor in for service or going on location for a project, a trailer, and a truck can help you travel with your equipment easily. Since there are several trailer sizes out there to choose from, you might be unsure about which one is the best fit. We can help you solve that by considering the following steps.

Get Clear on Weight

First things first, before you purchase or utilize a trailer you need to get clear on your limits. This requires you to find out the towing capacity of your truck and the weight capacity of your trailer. Exceeding your towing capacity or payload capacity can cause serious damage to several components of your vehicle and lead to dangerous situations. Finding out the weight capacity of your trailer is also a must so you can safely carry your tractor without overloading and causing damage.

Consider Your Attachments

Before you pick out your trailer you want to consider everything you will be hauling. A trailer might do just fine carrying the tractor itself but it may be too small when you add attachments. For example, a 14-ft tractor might be enough for a 2 Series alone, which is about 10 ft, but if you have a front and rear end attachment the length can nearly double. It’s also crucial to return to step one and consider the weight of these attachments so you don’t exceed capacity.

Measure It Yourself

If you already have your tractor in your possession, you have the advantage of simply measuring the length yourself. Line up your tractor with everything you wish to carry on the trailer and pull out a handy tape measure for your total length. Once you have it aim for a trailer that is a few feet longer than your total to ensure there is enough space.

More is Better Than Less

When it comes to picking out a trailer for your compact it's better to get more than what you need than not enough. If you think you are cutting it close with 16 ft, get 18 ft. You don’t want to risk your tractor or attachments hanging off the edge. However, you do want to be mindful of the towing capacity of your truck and make sure the trailer isn’t overbearing.

Reference Guide

If you are still not sure what size trailer to get for your compact tractor, here is a generalized reference guide of our recommendations:

1 Series: 14 ft

2 Series: 16 ft

3 Series: 18 ft

4 Series: 18 ft


Determining what size trailer for your compact tractor can be tricky, but when you take these few steps to consider your overall load it can be much simpler. A good rule of thumb is to go for a trailer around 18 ft but that length can be adjusted according to your conditions. Remember to never exceed the recommended capacity for your trailer or truck to avoid dangerous situations. If you need more assistance calculating the right size trailer for you, don’t hesitate to give us a call and we’ll be happy to help.